About LOVE Philly / LOVE DelCo
LOVE means many things. It also represents an iconic representation of Philadelphia, widely known as the “City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.” It is in that spirit that ForumPhilly - in partnership with B|E Strategy - launched LOVE Philly / LOVE DelCo, a unified multi-pronged regional campaign designed to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates in vulnerable Black, Brown and distressed zip codes throughout the Philadelphia area.
With a focus on Philadelphia and Delaware County, “LOVE” - in this context - will stand for Local Outreach and Vaccination Effort. The most recent vaccination data from COVIDActNow show that only 67 percent of Philadelphia residents have been fully vaccinated (for all ages), and only 64 percent of Delaware County residents are fully vaccinated and just 28 percent, on average, of Philadelphia and Delaware County residents have received essential “booster” shots. Much worse are the rates for marginalized populations in the area: on average, just 54 percent of Black Philadelphia residents (as of May 23, 2022) from the ages of 5-65+ are fully vaccinated and Black residents of all ages represent the least fully vaccinated of all racial demographic groups in the city. Racial data from Delaware County is unavailable, but with the vaccination rates already low, we can only assume the worst for Black and Brown populations.
LOVE Philly / LOVE DelCo aims to dramatically increase vaccination rates in these communities through bold multi-media messaging, accessible vaccine information campaigns and connection to critical community services, activities and performances. Residents will not only be 1) connected to the closest and latest vaccine clinic, but they will receive a constant stream of 2) factual information on the benefits of COVID vaccine while 3) being connected to a multitude of critical community support programs and services such as housing assistance, job opportunities, legal counseling and scholarships for college-bound young people!
LOVE Philly / LOVE DelCo is made possible by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is being carried out in conjunction with regional-wide partners, including ….
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